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The impact of trade on the international stainless steel pipe market

International trade is an exchange of goods and services between different countries and regions of the world. For stainless steel pipes, the occurrence of international trade has enabled the exporters of stainless steel pipes to release more than their production capacity to meet the increasing supply capacity.


At the same time, the export behavior has reduced their supply to the domestic market. If the demand remains unchanged, then the domestic stainless steel pipe The price will rise. Imported stainless steel pipes have been able to meet the market demand that domestic manufacturers cannot meet by importing foreign products, which is equivalent to increasing the supply of stainless steel pipes, which has lowered the price of domestic stainless steel pipes to some extent. In general, the emergence and development of international trade has enabled stainless steel to flow across the country, regulating its international supply and demand relationship, balancing the market price of stainless steel pipes in different parts of the world, and thus examining the status and changes of stainless steel pipe trade in the world. Research on the international stainless steel pipe market has an important role.


From the overall situation of international stainless steel pipe trade in recent years, the trade chief has basically continued to rise steadily over the years, and the total volume of trade accounts for more than 60% of the global total stainless steel pipe production. It can be seen that the international stainless steel pipe The liquidity of the market is strong. It is precisely because of this trade situation that countries can adjust their supply and demand of stainless steel pipes, thus affecting the changes in the international stainless steel pipe market.


From the above map of the distribution of stainless steel pipe trade in the world, Western Europe has always been the region with the largest trade in stainless steel pipes in the world. Its trade ratio has exceeded 50% of the total traders of stainless steel pipes in the world for many years. Its trade characteristics are mainly from the member states of the European Union. Asian, African and other countries import stainless steel raw steel, according to the division of labor, re-processing and deep processing of stainless steel products, and finally return some of the finished products to the countries of Asia, Africa and Latin America, and use them in some areas, which makes them suitable for Asian and African stainless steel. The dependence of major exporting countries is relatively high; the trade volume of the North American Free Trade Area is generally 6%, accounting for about 6% of the total global trade volume, and basically maintains a relatively stable momentum; Asia is the region with the most obvious growth in global stainless steel pipe trade, accounting for The proportion rose from 30% in 2002 to 36% in 2006. In 2007, its traders accounted for 42% of the world. Another significant feature is that the volume of trade in the region in Asia has grown much faster than in the region in recent years. Trade indicates that the self-use rate of stainless steel pipes in the region is gradually increasing, faster than the output rate outside the zone. From the global analysis of supply and demand of stainless steel, we know that the Asian region is the region with the fastest rising supply in recent years, while the output of stainless steel pipes in Europe and America is declining, but their consumption base is very high, which is destined for the future stainless steel. The inevitability of exporting products from the Asian region to the western developed countries. Trade volume in Africa and Latin America has increased significantly. The global share of stainless steel trade in the two regions has increased from 3.4% in 2002 to 5% in 2006. However, due to its small trading base, it currently accounts for the global stainless steel pipe trade. The share is still small, but in the long run, as the African economy continues to develop, its trade share will increase, but in the short term it will be difficult to have a significant impact on the international stainless steel pipe market price.


The stainless steel pipe factory believes that the demand for stainless steel in these regions will increase significantly as the economy of Asia, Africa and Latin America grows rapidly and the urbanization process advances in the next few decades, but its higher market concentration will lead to Strong industry self-discipline behavior, capacity will not appear large unrestrained rise, the supply staff outside the district will gradually reduce, raise the international stainless steel pipe supply prices, and promote the world's stainless steel market. At the same time, due to the increasing proportion of trade in the region, the global stainless steel pipe trade should maintain a high level even if the trade outside the region is reduced.




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